søndag den 29. april 2012

Spring is here

Ohhh yes, FINALLY spring has hit, the little kingdom that is Denmark. Leaves, flowers and sprouts a shooting out all over, aaaaaand the there is these guy`s!

Jep Rams, all over the place, if you find the right spots.
Normally located in the forrest, it is actually possible to find it in some parks and other green spots in and out Copenhagen.
There has been some reports about people who gets ill ore "worst case" die because of a mix of with other  herbs, but if you find rams you cannot (in my head) make a mistake.
The taste is extremely herbie, and has a mild yet hard hitting taste of mild garlic. And with the garlicy smell, you can't go wrong!
Picking way to many, I made a good liter of ramson oil, and still got loads in the fridge.
It stays pretty good in the fridge, at least a good week.
Having a load of Italy products lying around I couldn't resist on making fried potato`s, sausage, rams and loads of parmesan cheese, drizzled with some truffle oil and good olive oil from the farm we stayed at in Toscany! Here it is.

 More rams.

Onion cress popping out close to my job.

Another sign of spring round the corner, french asparagus, soon to be danish.

Herbal dish from my work.

Cant wait for the rams buds to come, when you can pickle, salt and marinate them!

fredag den 13. april 2012

Microwave Italy!

Let me start by sayig this, Italy is lovely i many ways!
Good weather, friendly people, and (for some of the trip) good food.
We went thrue Toscany and Rome, and found a couple of really good spots for food, but for the most part, it was the food we cooked, that was the best, altough a killer calzone, some lovely pizza and the best tomato sauce i ever had was consumed. The last was a bit funky with the tripe, it was my first attempt on this offal, and i have mixed feeligs about it. The texture is like i have it with oysters, i kinda like it, and at the same time i feel like hurling my guts out, but the stable like aftertaste is wierdly enough comforting.
If you go to Italy, dont miss out on the lovely cheese and chacuteri they got (we had the BEST headcheese in Pisa, from a little butcher filled only with local elderly people, they know where to go for this kinda stuff:)
If you are i the area, dont miss out on a little town called Lucca near Pisa, really cosy, with a big wall around the city.
So why the title "microwawe Italy"
Weeeeeeeeeeeell, not just one but TWO freaking times ordering pasta, we could hear the freaking microwave sound, and 2 minutes later, horrible, taking a piss all over your country tradition, dry round the edge, non tasting pasta.
You know how they say "when in Rome lalalalaala and so on", well the saying should be "When in Rome, look out for a bloody microwave when you go into a enoteca og restaurant!
Here is some pictures from some of the meals.

Roasted pork with herbs and lemons from the organic farmhouse we lived at for 2 days i Toscany.

Tripe ala Romana

The best dam´n bread i the country!