søndag den 29. januar 2012

B is for....... yes you guest it BACON BABY!!!!

Oh you food of gods, kings, everyday people, and well just about everybody in the whole lovely world, well exept muslims i guess.
It`s about time you get a entry in my blog.
One might still wonder why the dude, who in the beginning of time invented this piece of holy meat didn`t freaking PATENT the stuff.
Ahh well, what are you gonna do, makes it more easy for us to get our hands on it.
Still that dude must have been "un poco" retardo.


So I have never really had the chance to make my own lovely of the cured ,smoked, fatty piece of pork they call BACON, AKA "the best spice in the world"

So Í tried it out at work some weeks ago.
I found a clip on youtube with the process, and it worked fine, only problem was way to much salt, so i had to soak it till the salt content was okay, but then it lost the flavour of the spice mix i had added.
After that i ended up adding extra spice`s for a couple of days, and then smoking it.
The End result is pretty good, but the spice`s is to dominating.
Buuuuuut you never win the first time.
But adding the right amount of salt next time will work perfectly then, because the first spice flavour was the right amount. It`s all about learning from your mistakes.

Here`s the process of what i learned:

Take 2 kg of good fatty pork belly, and cure it with about 5 % salt, 100 g of brown sugar, then add different spice`s to your taste. I used, bay leaf, fennel seed, star anis and loads of black pebber.
Seal it, in a vacume bag if possible, and leave it in the fridge for about 7-9 days, remember to turn it every day, so the porky fluid will evenly cure the meat.

Take it out, wash it, and smoke it at low temperature for at least 6 hours., let it sit in the cooler over night on a griddle tray so the surface will dry a bit.

Here is the end result, and yes the one piece looks a bit charred, but fortunately it is the sugar caramelising!

søndag den 22. januar 2012

We are now in the beermaking business!

So my friend and former travel partner Niels, got a beermaking kit by his girlfriend (see that`s the gift every mann should have).
Turn`s out making beer at home isn`t really that tricky.
Off course there`s a million way`s of doing it, and we probably startet in the easy end of the path.
It`s basically just heating op a certain amount of water, desolving a bought mass, and sugar in this water, and add yest.
After 4-7 day`s in room temperature, it is now ready to be set on bottles with a bit of extra sugar, and after 2 weeks (though better in 1-2 months) it will be ready for going down the hatch, as they say.
We calgulated (with somekind off formular) that we will end up at a nice 5,13 %, more ore less like a typical Danish pilsner.
Personally.....I CANT FUCKING WAIT!

Next up will be doing infusions of different roasted malt`s and playing around with sugar`s, thinking about maltose sirup (a barley tasting sugar) and rapadura, with i just got from a freind who was in brazil.
It tastes AMAZING, an completely crystalised solid brown mass, bursting with sweet plant like flavours. Looking very much like the wildest ganja, Im surprised how he got it thrue customs!
Anyway "Black Virgin", as we will be calling this beer, is well on the way.


Prep work!

And she is ready

mmmmmmmmm 23 liters of goodness (we hope)
A taste review will be comming soon!

torsdag den 19. januar 2012

Good hearty food for the cold season!

Arhhhhh January.
Cold, dark, depressing and so on.
Well not normally the month of the year, to look forward to.
At this point of the year i`m normally, packing my backpack and getting out of danish winther to an warm and brighter place. Buuuuuuuuut this year is a bit different, one of the upsides though?
Playing around with the good, hearty filling food you eat when its cold outside. and here is a couple of sample`s of what I have been cooking up lately.

First up "Mortens aften".
This one is a traditional day in Denmark and other parts of scandinavia where we selebrate something that none of us know what is about, by eating duck ore goose as it actually is originally.
Not really in to cooking the traditinal stuff (cause you get the same basic`s for christmas a month after) i desided to do a duck ASIAN STYLE!
And being asian style, i made 3 dishes, one containing the innard`s, one the legs, and one the breast. this was enough to feed 5 big boy`s and here was the menu.

Tofu soup with duck innard`s, udon noodle`s and scallions.

Masterstock braised, and pulled leg meat, selleriac pure, shallots, dried cranberry`s and crisp bread. Kind of fusiony dish, but bloody good, asian spice`s work well with seleriac.

Duckbreast marinated in oystersauce over night, noodle salad with cabbage in a scallions and ginger/chilipaste. And a bit of cashew`s for the crunch!

All in all, a bunch of happy boy`s and this all for the price of 50 dkr. pr person!

Next up some other random foods.
Having a new found love for things cooked whole, here are some examples.

Cauliflower cooked whole in butter, parsley and good balsamic apple vinigar.
The trick is high heat to start out, at a bit of water from the beginning at let is steam, but let some of the steam go out, you want the water reducing so when the cauliflower is almost fully cooked,  you will have infused carb`s from the veggie into the butter, and this will now brown with the butter and give a more intense taste of roasted cauliflower.

Cabagge, salcicia and chorizo. same procedure as with the cauliflower. but here i have cut small hole`s into the sausages and added a bit of water, and then done the same as with the cauliflower!

Ahh "nose to tail" once again. you have to give a place credit for serving food till 1 am, having beer for 25 dkr. and fernet shot`s for 10 dkr. this picture is taking round 12.30 am i think. good resting stop between your bar hopping and save`s you that horrible pizza on the way home!

Now this was a crazy one, starting out with smoked fried cod roe, rye bread and remoulade ( a danish classic) all home made, 4 friends and I went on to this bad boy. Poached veal tung, glaced in oystersauce and roasted cashew`s, poched leeks and on the side a chunky mash of whole baked selleriac. Heavy, hearty and soooooo tastefull it`s crazy!!!

We still got a couple of cold month`s so more of theese thing`s might turn up!

torsdag den 5. januar 2012

Menu tastin Balcony rest. January menu.

So here is the dishes that, will be on the restaurant i work at for the next 5 weeks ore so.
Keeping up the standards from last menu, still temporary food with a punch and loads of taste!

First up, looks like somebody`s bored ore still New Year hungover!!

Snack, almond 2 ways, dry sponge cake and cream!

Parsleycream, crisp potato, couliflower, troutegg!

Sallop (raw and dehydrated) carrots (pickled, pure and mareng) lobster gele, and oat and dill sauce.

Smoked eel, horseradish, brusselsprouts, chervel and onions.

Cured and tempered cod, pickled cepè, pearl onions, seaweed and mushrom stock!

Poached egg 62 celsius, selleriac, sourdough, thymesalt, truffelpure and airy cheese!

Coco powder at the table!

Bressè chicken, chress klorofyl, juniper,and offalsauce:)! 

Glaced OX, pickled cherries, chokolate, sorrel, beet sauce on the side.

2 serving for the OX. Cheeks in beetsauce and raw liqurice, beets and marrow!

Gelefied sunchokes, musli and seabuckthorn granitè!